Talking about Art

Seaward Johnson’s sculptural recreation of a Manet painting takes art out of the gallery and into the world.

The goal of our non-profit society is to build an audience for art. Through small group parties with wine, laughter, projected images and movie clips, we aim to give audiences a chance to voice their own reactions to the artworks we project. We have a broad definition of art: it could be a painting, a piece of pottery, a film, dance performance, cartoon, fashion design or some element of popular culture. Many of our clips touch on the stories and debates behind the art. Each evening leads to a sharing of ideas. The setting is informal, comments are encouraged. What results is we all learn together, which builds a sense of community and participation.

Considerable time and energy goes into the presentations that we make, as we experiment with format, use of media and ways to increase the participation of our audiences. For example, for our talk on children’s book illustration we invited guests to bring a favourite children’s book and this led to an extraordinary show and tell. Each talk we host requires effort by many hands. and the goodwill is considerable.  We deeply appreciate the support of the Robert Pope Foundation in helping us achieve these goals. For any one interested in having an Art Talk brought to their community, please contact us for more details.


Art Talks